Thursday, October 30, 2008

Willful ignorance opens it's fat mouth and speaks with a horribly grating accent, again.

The current wettest blanket of them all thinks that we shouldn't be wasting valuable resources performing research on fruit flies. Of course, when you don't "believe" in "DNA" or the "theory" "of" "evolution" "by" "natural selection" then you wouldn't really understand what kind of an impact fruit fly research may have on things such as autism or dare I say, Down syndrome.

"That's more than the shortfall to fully fund the IDEA," she said. "And where does a lot of that earmark money end up? It goes to projects having little or nothing to do with the public good -- things like fruit fly research in Paris, France, or a public policy center named for the guy who got the earmark. In our administration, we're going to reform and refocus. We're going to get our federal priorities straight, and fulfill our country's commitment to give every child opportunity and hope in life."

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